This is my personal website displaying my art photos and cards.         
John McRae 

Welcome to My Website

iPad sketches

I use my iPad to sketch & 'paint' scenes and imaginary images.
The scene above is Lochindorb Castle situated in the Dava Moor between Forres and Grantown

Photographic Work

This photo was taken near Slano in Croatia.
Croatia is a photographers paradise! 
There are so many little islands along the coast and really great places to stay!
Game of Thrones was filmed all along the coast using the scenery of the mountain caves and the old town of Dubrovnic.

An imaginary iPad sketch

I was born in  Kinloss,  Moray and visited Findhorn regularly where my friends and I used to go swimming in the Moray Firth and also sail in small yachts and rowing boats in Findhorn Bay. 
The iPad sketch is from my memory of Findhorn Regattas and yacht races in the Moray Firth
I was always interested in art and in later life attended local art classes and art clubs. I spent a year in Moray College of Art building up my 'portfolio' and experiencing new techniques in art.
Life Drawing, painting in different mediums, screen printing, modelling, photography, attending lectures on art and visiting Art Exhibitions in Aberdeen and Glasgow. All part of the course which I thoroughly enjoyed, also studying with other 'younger' students learning from their artistic talents and ideas.
I began making greeting cards using my artwork and photographs, mainly for personal use and special occasions.

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